
Welcome to my blog where I document my adventures in Kansas City!

Calling All Dog Lovers!

Calling All Dog Lovers!

CALLING ALL DOG LOVERS! There’s a new doggie hot spot in town - On The Ball in Prairie Village! Offering a customized experience for each dog, the service at On The Ball is unmatched. I got a chance to sit down with owner, Meagan Dowell, to talk all things dog. I swear she has my dream job - she hangs with cute pups all day! Read our interview below - my favorite part is when she describes bathing a 150-pound Great Pyrenees (it’s hilarious!).

What was the inspiration behind "On The Ball"? How did you come up with the concept and what gave to the push to leave your full time job to go into business for yourself?

The inspiration from On the Ball came from my own dogs needs and living in Prairie Village and not really having anything close by that suited the needs of my pups. I have two rescues that have anxiety and behavioral challenges, and it was hard to find a place that would work with them in a daycare and boarding environment. They are amazing dogs and can be around other animals, but they require extra attention and care. I worked in public accounting for 9 years and enjoyed the firm and my colleagues but was struggling to find passion in the work itself. Through a series of serendipitous events, I decided to leave accounting and start On the Ball. I saw a need in the Prairie Village market and wanted to create a space that didn't look, smell or sound like a dog daycare, but provided exceptional care and service to pups and their parents, all while having the issues my dogs have in the back of my mind to tailor our service.

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You have 3 dogs, correct? What are their names and can you describe their personalities?

Bizie is our eldest. She is almost 10 years old and is adopted from Wayside Waifs. She is an Italian Greyhound/Terrier mix. She is extremely sweet, but very skittish around people she is not comfortable with. Her circle of trust is very small :) She loves to cuddle and chase squirrels!

Mitchell is our middle child. He is almost 7 years old and also adopted from Wayside Waifs. He is a lab, Shepard, Border Collie mix. He loves people but is super skittish around other dogs. He is also very protective over Bizie. He loves belly rubs and loves to sleep and EAT!

Reagan is our youngest and she is a Valentine's Day baby. She just turned two this February. She is a golden retriever and we got her from a breeder in western Kansas. She has the best personality! She loves all dogs and all people. She is super playful and would fetch a ball for hours if you let her. She always has to have a toy in her mouth at all times as a present to you :)

What sets On The Ball apart from your competitors?

We set ourselves apart based on service. We have 1 staff per every 10 dogs in our daycare rooms at all times. That way your pup is being loved on and attended to by a human. It also helps us keep the play in the rooms more controlled and safer. We are a full service space - we care for your pup while they are staying with us like we would care for our own dogs. We've taken dogs to their vet for you while they are with us if we realize they need a vaccination boosted or need to get medication. We come up with customized care plans for dogs with unique needs so that they can participate in daycare or board with us and still be comfortable. Whether that means shorter bursts of playtime and then relaxation in a suite, or hanging out with employees in the back area while they work. We want to try and accommodate dogs of all personality types so that you can continue to live your life.

What is your favorite dog story since you have been open?

Probably one of the funniest ones was the time I bathed a 150lb Great Pyrenees. I offered a promotion for first time clients to book a daycare reservation that week, and with that reservation they would get a free bath. This dog Murphy came to daycare for the first time and as I was looking through the ones I needed to bathe, I asked in the room - ok which one is Murphy, and they pointed to the massive Pyrenees! I was just like - ok, let's do this! I basically got a bath that day while giving him one, but we bonded! He has been coming back ever since and is such a sweetheart!

What do you love most about your Prairie Village location?

I love interacting with the people that walk by! It is such a friendly community and people are always out walking their dogs. Getting to know them and their families is so much fun and seeing them on a regular basis brings me a lot of joy and excitement.

What are some of your favorite dog friendly places in KC?

Everywhere in the Shops of Prairie Village is super dog friendly! I love having a meal with my pups on the patio of Tavern or Blue Moose. Bar K down by the riverfront is so much fun and a great place for my dogs to run around and we can socialize with friends. Brookside Barrio also has a great patio and is super dog friendly.

There is honestly no place in KC that I have seen that rivals the care at On The Ball. Next time you’re in Prairie Village, stop by the space to check it out! Meagan and her crew are so great about answering questions and showing off their space. By the way, there is still space to board your pup over Fourth of July weekend! Sign up online to reserve your spot - I am sure it will be full soon!

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