Kansas City Summer Bucket List - 2023
Summer is officially here (as of this weekend) and that means it’s time for another loKCal Summer Bucket List! Some of these events have a specific date, so I have those listed below!
Click here for a downloadable PDF version of this list and HAGS!!! (is my millennial showing?)
June 1 - 4: Old Shawnee Days (Option for a New-to-You Festival)
June 2 - 3: Festa Italiana (Option for a New-to-You Festival)
June 3: Vaile Strawberry Festival (Option for a New-to-You Festival)
June 3 - 4 : Summer Strawberry Swing
June 13 - July 2: Heart of America Shakespeare Festival (Option for a New-to-You Festival)
June 16 - 17: Boulevardia
June 23 - 24: Great Lenexa BBQ Battle (Option for a New-to-You Festival)
June 23 - 24: Waterfest (Option for a New-to-You Festival)
July 11 - 15: Wyandotte County Fair
July 21 - 22: Amelia Earhart Festival (Option for a New-to-You Festival)
August 5: Heart of America Hot Dog Festival